I Wish I Was a Wolf | Teen Ink

I Wish I Was a Wolf

February 4, 2022
By Anonymous

I wish I was a Wolf, with big white sharp teeth,

Because if I was, I would be ready for food and seek.

Have a pack with me, a big family tree,

Searching for the danger that I’m too young to see.

Run with four paws, that can run for miles,

And be used to stand tall against crocodiles.

Can be safe knowing my family has got my back,

And if there’s too much to handle then we should probably fallback.

Nothing is better than having something to share,

With the family I would have, true love that’s so rare.

Bundled with the warmth we have on our surface,

Can only help me not get nervous.

Oh if only I was a wolf, I would escape out of defeat

Because only wolfs can take care of what's underneath

The author's comments:

I feel like to me my family is important I can't imagine how it can feel to be without one so here I put what my family is, does and means to me.

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