Hollywood Where Dreams Happen | Teen Ink

Hollywood Where Dreams Happen

March 23, 2021
By kylebenson15 BRONZE, Hemet, California
kylebenson15 BRONZE, Hemet, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The place with red stars on the ground
The place where clowns could be clowns
The place to go when all hope is down
The place that could make you not frown, is Hollywood
The place of historical theaters
The place that actors get features
The place where you may get some rude gestures
The place where you may get a few signatures, is Hollywood
The place that is filled with the rich
The place with musicals about a witch
The place that makes you question if cities you might want to switch The place where some people need a ride to hitch, is Hollywood
The place that displays dazzling fashion
The place where many people show passion
The place that is right near Compton
The place where you can walk a few blocks and find a mansion, is Hollywood
The place where you can easily find magic
The place that you can watch a show which is dramatic

The place whom some say is gigantic
The place where streets are dynamic, is Hollywood
The place that every store is dazzling
The place often called the place of traveling
The place where sometimes prices are challenging
The place where you can get a job for modeling, is Hollywood
The place where many are considerate
The place where most are literate
The place where very few are belligerent
The place where everyone is indifferent, is Hollywood

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