Greed Blooming at Its Finest | Teen Ink

Greed Blooming at Its Finest

November 18, 2020
By bloodmaddiie BRONZE, Oak Park, California
bloodmaddiie BRONZE, Oak Park, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dolphina striking through the water,

Giving love to her fallen peers.

Dolphino gliding among the slaughtered,

Trying to find her warm, soft tears.

The blurred waters were hard to search through,

Hope was beginning to decrease.

Love was escalating at at flew,

All they wanted was joyful peace.

The murray grey waters turned into a sparkling blue,

The bright sunlight began to guide them home.

Saying goodbye to their loved ones unfortunately at a skew,

Heading towards the ending in the inside of a stone.

Affection has the power to make it far at a distant,

Two lovers had a connection that remained consistent.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this beautiful sonnet after watching a documentary on lost dolphins. Waters are countinuing to become more polluted, which is heavily affecting the sealife. Humans need to stop being so greedy and lazy, and pick up after themselves.

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