Music: My Better Half | Teen Ink

Music: My Better Half

November 16, 2020
By hayleyjade410 BRONZE, Benton, Louisiana
hayleyjade410 BRONZE, Benton, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

melodious tune begins to start, 

as lyric flood the lines;

tune, to the beat of my heart, 

lyric, from the mind of mine;

the beat goes up and down, 

depending on my mood;

words from a smile or frown, 

often come out as good;

music, a piece of me,

often makes me smile;

sets my problems free,

even for just a while;

music gives me my voice,

when others don't give me a choice.

The author's comments:

I wrote this from my love of music. I write a lot of music when im going through things and it always makes me feel better. I tried to capture the process of the writing and affect is has on me. My music and writing makes me feel better as a person, which is why i call it 'My Better Half'. Music to me isn't just words on lines, it creates story and life. 

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