Tigress | Teen Ink


April 30, 2020
By Anonymous

She sits there, quiet, making not a noise,

Oh stalking, watching, peering at her prey.

Her eyes, her gorgeous, gleaming, golden eyes,

So golden like the sunshine, I would say.


Her fur, so soft, so silky, and so smooth,

Her stripes, so vibrant orange, deeply black.

Her purrs are gentle, they will surely soothe,

But you beware her vicious, cruel attack.


She strolls about with royal poise and grace,

Her footsteps cause no ruckus and no sound.

You see such splendor, looking at her face,

When seeing her, a person never frowned.


Oh she's the most divine to say the least,

A dainty, dazzling, daring, dauntless beast.

The author's comments:

I was inspired to write this poem while watching a documentary

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