The truth about Love | Teen Ink

The truth about Love

March 5, 2020
By Lee-Hope-Parker BRONZE, Brunswick, Ohio
Lee-Hope-Parker BRONZE, Brunswick, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love is nice it is better then the rest

That is until you are left broken hearted 

When you left it left an ache in my chest

Alas for me the love was unrequited

When you left I did not know what to do

Without you I was surrounded in the dark

I did not know what to do without you

But then something made an idea spark.

Someone doesn't need love to be happy

All one needs to be happy is their friends 

I know that this might sounds very sappy

But really good friends will go to all ends

Of earth and back for those they care about

They will make sure you're never left out.

The author's comments:

This poem is about how one donesn't need to have a Signifant Other to be happy and just needs good friends

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