Beauty | Teen Ink


December 18, 2018
By breighdynxelizabeth BRONZE, Clarksville, Arkansas
breighdynxelizabeth BRONZE, Clarksville, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What really is beauty?

is it really what society tells it to be?

Beach waves, blonde hair, tiny waist?

caked face, nails done, and simple taste?

or is it the way you were raised? 

Does that give you praise?

Is it really all about how you look on the outside?

blue eyes and your hair dyed?

no, beauty is what comes from the heart. 

What a beautiful piece of art. 

the ugly eyes of society will never outsmart my heart. 

The author's comments:

this piece is inspired by how society tells you to be or look. I believe that everyone is unique in their own way and shouldn’t have to get society’s approval. You are you.💞

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