The Sonnet Of She | Teen Ink

The Sonnet Of She

August 15, 2018
By Real_Unity PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
Real_Unity PLATINUM, Raleigh, North Carolina
32 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Life is like a written story, it does not last forever, but it can be told over and over again.

If roses are blue, then her eyes the sea;

Golden her skin, far worth than anything;

Black sea her nails, for you can not foresee;

Here lies beauty, sweeter than everything.


Her voice is soft, but speaks diligent lies,

Words of conspiracry, hard to define.

Demented by love, most are hypnotized

You can not have her for she is all mine.


Her lips are destructive, bursting with black;

The way she moves is swifter for a fact;

If I was her there'll be nothing I'd lack,

Guess I'm the one that needs an artifact.


She is my love, my beautiful flower

And with her shall I spend every hour.

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