Ancient Admirations | Teen Ink

Ancient Admirations

March 17, 2016
By 7condon GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
7condon GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Do you ever stop and wonder?
About the ancient seven wonders
All once built by bare hands,
All spread across the lands and oceans.
Some of the things we overlook as simple
But are the most greatest of wonders,
The seven ancient wonders.

    Just a thought about the wonders,
    Some of the most precious things
    Cannot be bought by man,
    But made by hand.
    In the love of all,
    Glory too much to bear, as The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
    The seven ancient wonders.

Some of the most beautiful structures on Earth,
Acquiring their mysteries, of what they're about
The visions tell a story of the ancient Greeks.
Through the labor of men, these wonders have been done
Come along to the wonders that will lead
To new places acquiring in those dreams,
The seven ancient wonders.

    A monumental pyramid from all stone blocks,
    Alexandria's lighthouse leading the way.
    Gardens that behold the most miraculous views,
    A statue of Zeus over two hundred feet tall.
    King Maussollos lay in his tomb, of well known fame
    The famous Colossus, the most wonderful of all,
    The seven ancient wonders.

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