Trails of Being Dark Skin | Teen Ink

Trails of Being Dark Skin

January 8, 2016
By L.A.Xaviera BRONZE, Trenton, South Carolina
L.A.Xaviera BRONZE, Trenton, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"You are what you make of your self."

Being dark comes with tails.
People will say you're not good-lokking or you're black as night.
Being dark skin is hard.
Your spots of victory on your skin causes them to turn away.
Disgusting looks are giving, depression fills your world.
You have to be tough for nobody is there for you, maybe two or three.
You soon turn on your family.
All they're nagging makes you want to do better.
They try to keep you down with their filthy words.
"Ugly", "Nobody will love you", "You think I'm getting you something" Everything they say,
Turns into knives stabbing you in the back.
Soon you won't feel it anymore but deep inside you know it hurt.
So I write this poem out of madness hoping to encourage somebody someday.

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