Conformity | Teen Ink


January 14, 2016
By Bobble3361 BRONZE, Cullman, Alabama
Bobble3361 BRONZE, Cullman, Alabama
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wake up from my slumber and rise from my bed. The world seems different today but I cannot place what seems so off. The media talks so much about rebellion but at the same time you must follow the rules. You never know what is right and no matter what you do you always seem to be wrong. Bam! Stop! Suddenly you're floating, you can't move, you just look at nothing in some broken landscape. You look to your right: all there is is a blinding white light, you don't know what to do with it. As you turn around behind you all you see is an endless void of darkness, again, you don't know what to do with it. In front of you there is nothing, your own choices your own destiny. You look to both sides. One side is black and one side is white. You don't know what that means and you don't know which one is the right choice. You close your eyes and choose to fall forward and pick your own destiny. No matter who's screaming at you from the black side or the white side, all that matters is you doing what you think is right.

The author's comments:

With all the talk in the news and Media about listening to other people on what is right and wrong why can't people just listen to themselves?

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