He Who Takes Away | Teen Ink

He Who Takes Away

January 14, 2016
By Tamberlyn BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Tamberlyn BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He grabs at your mind,
He steals your thoughts.
He takes away your freedom,
no matter the cost.

He comes and visits you  at night,
when he knows you can’t put up a fight.
He comes knocking at 11:00 PM,
when you know that you must let him in.

First he starts with family-
They don’t love you,
They wouldn’t care
if tomorrow you didn’t wake up,
or if life isn’t fair.
You’re worthless-
a freak.
You’re stupid.
You’re ugly.
You’re weak.

Your mind is at war with your heart-
one wants to believe him,
but the other is too dark.
It will never do its part,
because it’s easier to believe what you’re told
than to believe in yourself and be bold.

He moves on, saying-
“You’re not enough,
You’re not even a diamond in the rough.
You’re needy and greedy.
You don’t deserve to be pretty
Your thoughtless-
not witty!”

“Is that all?” you say.
You’re heart’s shattered,
your confidence beyond being tattered.
“Shut your mouth!” he says.
“I’ll never be finished until your final days!
Don’t think you can correct my ways!”

He continues with his stinging words.
You know you should try,
But you just can’t.
You lay there and cry,
and don’t even know why.

He finally realizes that you’re done struggling, and pauses.
“Have you given up?
Do you have nothing else to say?
You’re beyond repair.
Go ahead and drown in your despair.

No one will help you, for I am in your way
of happiness,
of courage,
of beauty,
and of love.
Go ahead and keep that sadness
you can never get rid of.

I’ll be back!”
And with that, he’s gone.
Knowing that in confidence, you lack
your guilt overwhelms you.

You knew you should’ve said something,
but you didn’t know how.
He will be back with his grunting, 
but you know that you will never be prepared.
Because its easier to believe what you’re told,
than to believe in yourself and be bold.

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