No One Can See | Teen Ink

No One Can See

December 16, 2015
By Nykthos BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
Nykthos BRONZE, Las Vegas, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I'm just an entity floating in the chilling breeze

Walking around this cold, desolate place

I see everyone but no one sees me

Oh, I don't think anyone will see


Wait, this girl, could she see me?

Pointing, Staring at me?

Through this whole crowd, is she the one?

The one that can see even under the bright yellow sun?


Quickly I rush to her

For a hug

As happy as can be

For the fact that she can look at me

I stop.. seeing her face filled with tears

When I try to touch her... well

She's just like me

Just two entities that no one can see

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