Constructing The Colossus | Teen Ink

Constructing The Colossus

December 1, 2015
By jburg2 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
jburg2 SILVER, Nashotah, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He was put in the Bay to mimic the god Helios.
Shown in gold and towering over the city.
He is surely a Wonder.

He  made two times as immense as the original depiction.
Waiting 12 years for the completion of the Colossus.
He was surely a Wonder.

He is compared to today’s wondrous statues.
Though he was a remarkable feat at the time.
He is surely a Wonder.

He collapsed after 56 years of glory.
The earthquake striking him down.
He is surely a Wonder.

His remains resting on that beach for days, months, even centuries.
Then captured by Arabs, he became a mystery.
He is surely a Wonder.

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