Divorce | Teen Ink


October 9, 2015
By TheClever1 SILVER, Ashland, Wisconsin
TheClever1 SILVER, Ashland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I am 11, it's my first day of middle school. I am pretty nervous but I know I have my family to come home too. Middle school should be interesting... Mom and dad are so happy and my siblings are doing very well.

I am 12. Things at school are pretty hard, sometimes people are mean to me, but I know they are going through hard things and I have to be understanding. Mom and dad are pretty happy and my siblings are doing well.

I am 13. Life seems pretty good right now. I love coming home to the house smelling from my mothers cooking, and my father making a fire. We are a family.. My mom and dad are happy enough, and my siblings are doing okay.

I am 14. My life is changing...Things are starting to feel different, my mom and dad are distant, and my siblings are sad.

I am 15. High school just started, I've made a lot of friends, I love high school. It keeps me distracted to whatever is happening at home. My mom and dad are divorcing, and my siblings are fighters.

I am 16.
I feel so alone, I don't know what to do, I'm broken..
I made myself numb to the feelings of the past and now they aren't numb anymore.
My parents are divorced now, and my siblings are broken.

I am 17. Everything is different.
It all went by in a blink of an eye..
I miss the old days of being a kid, when I had one big happy family, my parents are far apart, and my siblings are recovering.
I hate divorce, it felt almost as though someone pushed me down ripped open my chest and took my heart out and laughed while running away with it.
I want my heart back, whoever and wherever you are.

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This article has 1 comment.

Trustinme1 said...
on Jun. 20 2016 at 7:42 pm
This hit home. Great job.