Poker Face | Teen Ink

Poker Face

September 21, 2015
By TakeofftheBlindfold BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
TakeofftheBlindfold BRONZE, Tampa, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"play the laughter, pause the memories, stop the pain and rewind the happiness"

it starts behind my heart,
with a dull empty feeling,
then it grows to fill you,
numbing your mind and thoughts,
until your controlled,
by the calm rage,
but the funny thing is,
that you don't even feel angry,
you are calm and given,
a false sense of control,
maybe even find the nerve,
to smirk,
then wipe your face clean,
of all emotion,
they can't know what you're feeling,
are you sure,
that you want to join this game?
because now it's your choice,
to put it all in, or fold yet again,
this is the last round,
who will walk away with it all?
and who will have nothing?

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