Slamming Door | Teen Ink

Slamming Door

September 4, 2015
By adinm11 BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
adinm11 BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I am a slamming door.
Echoing through the Tenement Flats.
I open and close with a click,
Yet nobody takes a second look.

I am a slamming door.
Knocking over clothes hangers as I come to a close.
The clothes fall to the ground,
And before long are back on the wire.

I am a slamming door.
My actions show the emotion of my people.
Their anger or frustration,
Is represented by my speed.

I am a slamming door.
My loud sound and fast movement,
Is a statement to all,
That I shall not be opened.

I am a slamming door.
Most know my meaning,
Yet others choose to ignore it.
As one final statement,

I lock.

The author's comments:

I wrote this poem about a painting called Tenement Flats by Millard Sheets. The Painting is in Washington DC, where I live and go to school. 

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