Monsters | Teen Ink


January 27, 2015
By lovehippogriff SILVER, Troy, Michigan
lovehippogriff SILVER, Troy, Michigan
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Sometimes your own monsters become someone else’s
And you’re left uttered in shock
They were yours
And now, they've moved on 
Instead they're someone else’s pain, someone else’s suffering
They will scream like you did
They will cry like you did
They will beg for black like you did
They will be hurt, because of your monsters
You feel light weight
But the guilt brings pounds that you can’t lose
Like you did, they will die
All because of your monsters

The author's comments:

I wrote this about a friend who had so many problems to unburden, that suddenly I became the burden of them. Suddenly, I began to hurt like she did. We've all had a friend who's problems all of a sudden turn into yours. Well, hopefully, this poem explains that well enough...

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