Im not good at "Love Poems" | Teen Ink

Im not good at "Love Poems"

January 21, 2015
By Devinantt SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
Devinantt SILVER, Charlotte, North Carolina
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You do not have a soul, you are a soul, you have a body"

I used to be
Back when I thought the birds would chirp her name
When I thought the constellations showed her face
And the shine in her eyes made the sun seem dull
Back when she was my universe
Back when she had my heart
But when she smashed it
It tampered with my art
Seeing how ruthless and cold she was
I saw my heart turn to gravel
Now, I just can't
The birds still chirp her name
The constellations still show her face
Her eyes shine just the same
Only difference is
Tears follow whenever they do
I can't write about it like I used to
Because it hurts so much
You've treated me kindly
Treated me cruelly
You showed me pain
Showed me beauty
And I guess
This attempt
Is the closest I'll get
To penning, a "love poem"

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