Your body | Teen Ink

Your body

November 4, 2014
By Kerrina16 SILVER, Dededo, Other
Kerrina16 SILVER, Dededo, Other
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

While your body lays in silence,

Breathing tubes being shoved down your throat

A million thoughts run through my head and think

"Is it really your time to go?"

You used to be so strong, yet so weak

That your soul cries and weeps for freedom to speak

But as destitute as our family was before

I guess you're just another precious soul entering a forever closed door.

You lay in peace, 

You lay in comfort,

You lay in the most beautiful way that anyone has been emcumbered

Those countless tests and irrelevant charts

Never dug deep enough throught that arc that surrounded your heart

But I really hate to say that cancer stole your happiness

Wiped away that smile off your face

and kept your mouth shut so that no words could escape

Tragedy is, you're also miles and miles away

And mom had no patience to hop on that plane to see if you'd be okay

In my heart and mind

I knew you had the strength to wait because

you're running out of time

And mom might be just a little...too...late

Seeing a flat line on the monitor wasn't surely 

what we wanted 

But what you wanted

You wanted to be free

You wanted your body to release the spirit

that you've always wanted to keep

You wanted nothing but to live a happy life

Sadness and fear never took over the lies

I just pray on your funeral day that you would

soar where you might go

and fly where you might be

Just know that I'll be writing memories of you and me.

As your body burns slowly in a furnace

The ashes will always be a toll for me to notice

How your heart overcame the flame of

death's tricky games

And it laughs and mocks us in shame

But we never really took the blame

To contemplate the amount of money we didn't have

I try to see how hard this could be

While the rays of the sun shine down at your grave

Will I ever be brave?

To continue a life filled with fright

With me overthinking at night

You're like a flower blooming in the light

Without a stem

Who's to say it might be them?

That my parents could be next

Grab cancer by its neck

and put it on a long lasting hex

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece because shortly after my grandmother went back to the Philippines, my mom received a call about a month later saying that my grandmother is in the hospital. My auntie tells my mom that my grandmother is very sick and that she needs to go to the Philippines to see what's wrong. My grandmother then tells my mom that the doctors diagnosed her with cancer. So my grandmother tells my mom that she'll wait for her with a weak voice. When my mom arrived in the Philippines, it was too late and my grandmother was already gone. I hope that whenever anyone goes through a loss whether it be a family or friend, to just write how they feel.

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