When It's Time to Go | Teen Ink

When It's Time to Go

September 11, 2014
By sleepyvampire GOLD, Altamonte Springs, Florida
sleepyvampire GOLD, Altamonte Springs, Florida
14 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"I can't afford therapy so I write."
- me

When the world is coming to an end,
I’d be hiding underneath the bed,
watching as the ship sinks outside my window.

When the time comes
where I have to say goodbye,
I don’t think I’d say goodbye,
I’d say see you again after it all goes.

When everything is falling apart,
I don’t think I’d cry.
Because I’m not a crier.

When the world comes to an end,
I would never say goodbye.
Because I don’t believe in endings.

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