Gone In The Morning | Teen Ink

Gone In The Morning

June 23, 2014
By JustAnotherMe GOLD, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
JustAnotherMe GOLD, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never say good bye, because good bye means going away, and going away means forgetting."-Peter Pan

In the shadow of the morning
you will see my back.
Leaving with the sunrise.
Hoping it resembles the sign of something new.
Maybe brighter and warmer.

I may be walking to the sun,
or away from it in confusion.
Yet in the morning I shall leave.
In my mourning I will go.
Do not come to find me in my passing.

Morning will come and my presence shall be forgotten.
Faint strings of what once was
drifting in the wind of my trails.
Strings so small and fragile,
you may never notice they were there.

Beside me I see my shadow stretching;
the one thing beside me as I perform my act of vanishing.
I turn and watch as my shadow leaves my side and travels behind me.
Where it belongs,
in my new course of direction.

The friend of a shadow behind me.
It won’t come before me or beside me.
I’ll walk into the sun and hope it brings something.
Bring me light in my leaving morning.
I have found my new sunrise.

The author's comments:
Just some 2am thoughts streaming through my head while thinking about life and how its so fragile with each connection we have. We can cross paths and intertwine but strings of relations can break and snap.

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