What if the world... | Teen Ink

What if the world...

June 12, 2014
By Chinchillafromspace SILVER, La Mesa, California
Chinchillafromspace SILVER, La Mesa, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Judge me by my size, do you?" -Yoda

What if the world is a tank and something big keeps us as pets?
What if the world is a maze and we are the mice in an experiment?
What if the world is a cell and we live on something big?
What if the world is a bubble and we're the dust trapped inside?
What if the world is a dust speck and we're floating around in a bigger world?
What if the world is a dream and we are the imagination of something bigger?
What if the world is my dream and I'll wake up in a different one?

The author's comments:
Getting philosophical.

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