A Kingdom | Teen Ink

A Kingdom

May 31, 2014
By AbbyLaine SILVER, Simpsonville, South Carolina
AbbyLaine SILVER, Simpsonville, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

White dominates everything around me; Only the sky sticking out behind the impassable blizzard is visible. The color of snow blinds me and is slowly killing me, Yet it sparkles and fascinates me too. The word “cold” is just a weak word Compared to the truth I felt. My cheeks burned in the harsh, Bitter wind that the sky kept spitting at me. I lost all feeling in my nose long ago, And I’m pretty sure my fingers are blue, Suffering from the bite of frost. There were no beautiful snowflakes here. It was rock hard bits of what the sky could manage, Trying to bash my head in. I was lost in this terrible paradise, a Kingdom of Pure White. With no end in sight, I might have to wait out the Earth’s wrath in the heavy sinking snow. This is no Winter Wonderland. This was a Freezing Cold Nightmare.

The author's comments:
This another piece I wrote in Creative Writing Class. I had to write it for a poetry assignment and I think it turned out pretty well. It was published on the school website.

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