Why Are You the Way You Are? | Teen Ink

Why Are You the Way You Are?

April 16, 2014
By Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
Wildheart347 SILVER, DeSoto, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Why are you the way you are?
You're rude remarks
You're stupid ways
You're sneering tone
Why are you the way you are?

You're immature ways
are getting old.
And so are you!
Its time for you to grow up.

Grow up I say!
Grow up!
Dargers are ahead
Time is running out
It's time to grow up.

I hate you!
But you couldn't see that,
even if you were blind.
So how does it feel to grow up?

Grow up...
Night will fall and
there will be no one there.
No one there to comfort you
young princess of gold

Grow up...
But you can't
For you are just a baby.
A helpless, sniffling baby
that no one can care for!

So go?
Go now before it is too late?
I have no more use for you.
Our time is up...

Good bye my friend.

The author's comments:
I wrote this peace because many of my friends are seniors and I wish for them to stay.

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