The Impending Surrender | Teen Ink

The Impending Surrender

December 3, 2013
By Kenzic BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
Kenzic BRONZE, Faribault, Minnesota
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found it strange for you to appear
I heard a distant scream and found it was only me
Words break from my mouth that are not mine
I’ve tried to run and hide, but you cannot escape a lie

I stared you in the eyes
Startled to find no truth, just where emptiness lies
I’ve created a wall
and you came back to tear it down
I built a canal
but you found your way around
I poured a dam
but I felt my heart flood again

I cannot hold it back
My weakness is my only saint
The joy I want, the dream of the smile
Is all my life can destroy
It’s all I reject, it’s all I cannot be allowed

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