False World | Teen Ink

False World

July 25, 2013
By Mremokid BRONZE, Park Forest, Illinois
Mremokid BRONZE, Park Forest, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"What a treacherous thing to believe a person is more than a person."

-John Green

When I close my eyes,
What do I see?
Shadows of what used to be.
Is this how the world appears to me?
Is it the same for a man who cannot see?
I open my eyes –
The world is worse than the shadow.
It makes me feel so hollow.
I find myself longing for my false world –
The one that resides inside my mind,
The one that is solely mine.
There is not much there;
For that fact, there is not much anywhere.
In this world, I choose to dare, to explore,
To try, to create something better –
Something more than the shadow,
More than the dark of the real world.
Yet, it is impossible.
To move this picturesque scene
From my mind to life would be impossible.
To influence others to conform is impossible.
How could I make it possible?
I close my eyes one last time,
To enter into this world in my mind,
As it rots like the world outside,
I realize the fault is solely mine.

The author's comments:
The idea that inspired this poem came from the wish to be able to shape my own world to make it a better place. Then the realization after that initial wish that I could not shape the world. I tried to express the sequence of thoughts in the poem.

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