Money and Power. | Teen Ink

Money and Power.

May 23, 2013
By Adiarih BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Adiarih BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Hakuna Matata"

Hello stranger how have you been,
We haven’t talked in a little while;
It amazed me the personality change that you have made,
When you know that nobody knows you like I do.

Money is not going to last forever,
Neither would I; but instead I will do my best to stay with you until the end of the days...

I’ve needed you over these past ten months,
I’ve cried a couple of times before going to sleep; I remember when you would always be there to give me a hug, or to change the way that I was feeling…
But all of the sudden you decide to call me stupid,
Saying sorry doesn’t make it better;
And less when you keep doing the same over and over.

Why don’t you admit that you are wrong and start over?
“I’m not wrong, you are just too ignorant”, you would say something similar to this.

Okay papa keep it up,
You are doing a great job as a father;
You are never wrong…

I’m disappointed at you; I want my old dad back…
Money has changed you.

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