I Envy | Teen Ink

I Envy

May 16, 2013
By Angelica1 SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
Angelica1 SILVER, Hardeeville, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I envy the fact that i can't ever be proud.
i'm always stressed out,
while everyone is partying around.
it's hard to decide,

if i want to be happy or mad.
i envy that person who's life is so easy,
When i'm not able to sit there peasey.

I'm like a new born mole,
can't seem to find the right path.
I envy not being able to stand tall,
or to show people i can be above.

I hate myself for all i've done,
for not being able to say good bye.
I envy my lack of leadership,
but hopefully for once i'll get a treat.

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