Can't Rely on Me | Teen Ink

Can't Rely on Me

March 26, 2013
By Describer SILVER, Mount Washington, Kentucky
Describer SILVER, Mount Washington, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm possible."

Your struggles are long and hard
But there is nothing I can do for you now
You may have heard what I said
But you did not truly listen
You may have seen what I did to help
But you did not carry out those actions
And yet you expect me to do something
Something much more than what I can do
I cannot help you
You are in a hole you dug yourself into
And I cannot help you out
You have to understand
That I tried
I really and honestly tried
You put yourself through this
So you have to do something about it
I believe that you can get through this
But it will take time
You got yourself into this mess
And I cannot get you out

The author's comments:
We have to learn to get ourselves out of tough situations, and that we always can't rely on others to help us.

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