Math on a Monday Morning | Teen Ink

Math on a Monday Morning

March 23, 2013
By abconwell BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
abconwell BRONZE, Naperville, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Clock ticking ever so slowly
Filling the room with the sound of time.
Students sitting at desks working
Smell of fresh paper seems to come from everywhere, and pencils scratching on paper.
But however interesting the world of algebra is, the mind is untamable and mine begins to wander.
And now I stand in a stadium, cheered on by the loud screams of the millions watching me, dead out sprinting the last lap of my Olympic mile.
Or I am an astronaut, hurtling through space at 1000 miles per hour, only minutes away from becoming the first man on the moon.
A quick glance out the simple classroom window shows to most people the plain field of grass
But to me it reveals the colossal earth, floating in the black expanse of space peppered with twinkling dots of light.
Now I am a scientist in a lab studying genes, knowing that the lives of countless people depend on my research.
Look at me, look at me- driving and I won’t stop.
And it feels so free to be alive and on top.
To others, I am doing math, but to me I am living every kid’s dream. I am all anyone has ever hoped for.
Sometimes the best moments in life can be the ones where you’re not doing anything special.
Because even sitting here in 4th period math, I can go anywhere, do anything, be anyone!
With the beauty and power of imagination.

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