Worldly | Teen Ink


March 16, 2013
By BuckTheWonderSlave BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
BuckTheWonderSlave BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"K is for Kid, a normal guy or gal just like you. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, since there's nothing a kid can't do."

I celebrate myself,
From the tiniest shred of skin to the grand minds that I harbor happily in my head.
With my mind I can see it all
All the glory of the world, reflecting me and reflected in me.

I swing through the trees in one instance, communing with my tailed brothers
The next moment I am deep below the waves
There is no light in this soaked chasm, but I see nonetheless.
I swim through the blazing darkness with lethal precision, perilously pursuing prey.
Then I lie in the open fields.

I lounge in the shade of the resolute cactus as we lunch together
He the blazing rays of golden sun, I a sumptuous feast of a sandwich
We talk of the wonders of the sand,
How it undulates in endless crimson waves, peaking and crashing,
As though it were caught in a storm.
I tell my spiny counterpart that I must be going
I do not shake his hand, nor hug his trunk farewell, but he holds no grudge.

And oh the places I go.
I am a swooping salmon, rushing against the impotent current
As I leap from the water and the jaws of a bear descend, I turn.
Leaving a perplexed ursine in my wake,
I become water and I rush the other way, far faster now
I tumble over the side of an endless cliff.
I turn to steam in the air and drift away, bearing an enthralling rainbow
Then I twist and with a cry
I stretch my feathered wings.
I fly until I reach the moon and I gaze upon the earth
I see endless oceans
I leap between the minds of the seahorses, proudly trumpeting their silent cries,
Carrying the royal plankton to their appointments
Before bursting from the waves as a dolphin and leaping to a city,
Where I hop between the gargoyles and dive to catch a foolish rat,
Or sweep across the streets chilling pedestrian pedestrians.
I ride a cold breeze to the poles and dance with the auroras
Then, tired, I find a bed nestled with a polar bear.
I sleep for only moments, for I have much to do.
Without waking my companion I take to the air once more.
I look down on the earth with the utmost of perception
And I laugh
And admire my great self.

The author's comments:
Based on Walt Whitman's "Song of Myself".

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