My Rue | Teen Ink

My Rue

March 12, 2013
By Seth31 BRONZE, Lot 37, Ohio
Seth31 BRONZE, Lot 37, Ohio
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I once thought that my mind was a safe haven
It was the only place that could take me away
But life has finally taken its toll
And now I'm starting to lose control

It's getting harder with each and everyday
To banish the thoughts that plague my mind
They bring that I cannot endure
They come in scores, please no more!

I am beginning to lose the fight
I can no longer sleep at night
They have begun to invade my dreams
The very last place I thought I could be free!

That's it. They almost have prevailed
The day they win is the day I fail
Then there will be only one thing left to do
That day, however, will be remembered in rue.

The author's comments:
The first poem I have ever written. I've been going through a rough patch and felt the need to express myself. So, I turned to writing.

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