The Tragedy of Hostess Snack Cakes | Teen Ink

The Tragedy of Hostess Snack Cakes

November 16, 2012
By KityKat SILVER, Saratoga Springs, New York
KityKat SILVER, Saratoga Springs, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dreams are true while they last, and do we not live in dreams?
~Alfred Lord Tennyson

The end of the world is here,
I just found out today;
My hysterical weeping
Heard throughout my house;
All because a compromise couldn’t be made,
Hostess Snack Cakes is going out of business;

I know it’s bad to cry over it,
When there are things like world hunger,
War and other things to end;
But you don’t understand,
Just what Hostess meant to me;

Just picture this…
Me, a 105 lb., 14 year old,
I grew up on Hostess;
On the way to my babysitters,
When I was just three,
Fighting with my brothers,
For the last Hostess cupcake;

Seven, on the long car rides,
Eating up the Donettes,
Like there was no tomorrow;

Or twelve with my family,
Watching Zombieland,
Joking about Twinkies,
Surviving the Apocalypse;

Don’t you see?
Hostess Snack Cakes
Weren’t just delicious;
They’re my childhood,
They’re a part of me;

It’s sad to think right now,
That my future children won’t know,
Of the snack that made me smile,
Even when times were most dark;

Oh Hostess Snack Cakes, you shall be missed

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I'm sad that Hostess Snack Cakes is going out of business, they're a part of my childhood, ya know?

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