I Asked My Self Why? | Teen Ink

I Asked My Self Why?

November 12, 2011
By Imperfecion SILVER, Middletown, Connecticut
Imperfecion SILVER, Middletown, Connecticut
5 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Perfection is not me but Imperfection is where im at."

When you have no one by your side what can you do?
Sometimes i look back in time and ask my self why is the world so cold?
But I'm left with silence and a question that can never be answered
I have fears i cant over come
I Have memories that wont disappear
I Have sadness inside of me that just wont go away
i have secrets that I cant share
And still the big question is WHY?
Look around I see a smile
I see smiles ,i see tears
I hear laughter, i hear anger
I feel happy when deep down inside i feel pain
I try to stay strong but i keep stumbling
Im inside of a world that i can never figure out
but in the end i will figure out WHO I AM..!

The author's comments:
I wrote this piece because it was what i was seeing around me not really what i was feeling but just seeing.

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