To me Rei | Teen Ink

To me Rei

June 1, 2011
By Shouldbethere GOLD, Wooster, Arkansas
Shouldbethere GOLD, Wooster, Arkansas
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remember remember the 5th of november, gunpowder treason and plot, i see no reason why gunpowder, treason, should ever be forgot.

A poets heart is free of what it longs for.
It craves peace, and love
Yet feels nothing but pain, sorrow, or anger.

There is no motivation, for most, without this pain.
But my heart, as it sings, still feels the sting of rain.

My love is new. But tainted.
Our pasts are the same
Our fate, our pain. We share so much.

We are tainted. We are jaded. We are threatened and insulted.
Hearts are bleeding. Souls are grieving.
But together, we are mending.

Together we are one, in our entirety.
A spark of love, forever fiery.

Thank you my love. My Rei.

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