My Other Me | Teen Ink

My Other Me

May 3, 2011
By Scarletchic23 SILVER, North Manchester, Indiana
Scarletchic23 SILVER, North Manchester, Indiana
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you have nothing motivational to say, say something rAnDoM!!!!

Tick tock, time goes by
The hands of the clock just fly
No, no, don't yo cry
I'm sure someday
We'll be just fine

Sit back for now
And just watch how
Our lives continue to fold out
Twisting and turning and evading
All things around

Shh, I can't seem to think
With you shouting in my head
So many obsinities
Why can't I shut you up?
You are my own voice, are you not?

Yes, yes, you are the other half of me
The one I rarley see
The one I never want to be
But I now know without your voice
Surely I'd perish

The author's comments:
Everyone some time or another, feels like they have a side to them they can't really control or that they just can't stand. But it is still apart of them. This poem expresses that though I wish to be rid of this side, without it, I wouldn't be me.

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