i am me | Teen Ink

i am me

March 31, 2011
By marzapan PLATINUM, Westchester, Pennsylvania
marzapan PLATINUM, Westchester, Pennsylvania
48 articles 0 photos 27 comments

Favorite Quote:
"do not lead me unto temptation, i can find the way my self" rita brown
"die fish Hitler die" jake: homestuck
"My only friend growing up was a yak." -Russia (Hetalia)
"Pants are your first priority." -My friend

i look down at my shoes, hoping no one will notice me. every one thinks i am the weird girl, the one that is too loud, too strange, too ugly, but they don't know who i am. i am the girl with a happy face but with a dark side, i am the girl whose inner beauty makes her stand out, and i am the girl who will never give up. so many beleive in me, and i do not plan on letting them down any time soon.

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