A Name is a Name | Teen Ink

A Name is a Name

October 26, 2010
By Silverfeather SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Silverfeather SILVER, South Plainfield, New Jersey
8 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"It's cold as hell in here!"~something people say when it's cold. I find this quote ironic because hell isn't cold at all. :3 Hell is just a bunch of fiery flames so it technically it can't be cold. 83

A Name is a Name
A follower of Christ, a Christ-bearer as well,
I’m anointed and consecrated to God,
How wonderful,
I have to be a nun.

Affectionate, intelligent, God is satisfaction,
I’m God’s solemn oath,
An oath to what?
I have no clue,
God is bountiful, God of Plenty,
Is this a name or
a long compliment to God?

Sympathetic, a sea of bitterness too,
A wished for child, a rebellion,
A Lady of the Sea,
Surprised this name doesn’t
have anything to do with God?

A field, prosperous and wealthy,
I’m not a field, that’s for sure,
If I was then I wouldn’t be here now, would I?
I would like to be field of flowers or
something nice,
But knowing my luck,
I’d be one with cattle and their poop.

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