My Life | Teen Ink

My Life

October 22, 2009
By katie lagnese SILVER, Park City, Utah
katie lagnese SILVER, Park City, Utah
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments


It is almost unbearable
yet I always end up in the same place
despite my argument

It makes me want to cry and throw things
I want to pull my hair out when I get in the bus

It is so boring
and mind numbing

And if the teachers aren’t enough
They throw popular kids who think
They are better than every one
Into the mix

The work load is terrible
I mean having to participate in every class?!

It is one of those activities that is hard
but you just have to power through it

On the other hand school is my life
It keeps me busy
It makes me feel good about myself

I excel in school
And I love it

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