Just to be Us | Teen Ink

Just to be Us

October 14, 2009
By Ashton Destouet BRONZE, Portland, Indiana
Ashton Destouet BRONZE, Portland, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have never seen your eyes shine so bright
Or hear your laughter cry out above mine
The way it did on that late stormy night
When we found ourselves sharing our secrets
And never wondering what would happen

Not thinking about the things around us
Or what was going to come from it all
We were lost in our own little world
Where no matter what, it was only us
And only our dreams and thoughts were put forth

Our own feelings became mixed emotions
And we found ourselves wondering why
We were put together for some reason
A reason which was unknown to us both
A reason which we are still not sure of

Maybe someday we will finally see
What is going on between you and me
And why we cannot understand our world
And everything that goes into it
And what it really means, just to be us

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