high school | Teen Ink

high school

October 12, 2009
By monishua BRONZE, Cullman, Alabama
monishua BRONZE, Cullman, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

making our way through
these scattered halls
they seem so empty
but kids are walking
where are they going?

working our way past
everyone else
they stare into space
but they see all the faces
they pass..
who are they?

hearing the shouts
of the teachers
they call to the runners
but they don't stop
why are they running?

looking all around
at all the others
they don't care about you
but they claim they are
what have they done for me?

chasing the open door
before it closes
you'll be late
but you will get there
on time..
what does it matter?

handing in your essay
to the teacher
she glares at your paper
but you worked
so hard..
was it worth it?

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