Siren's Testimony | Teen Ink

Siren's Testimony

May 27, 2024
By HillarySL BRONZE, Newport, North Carolina
HillarySL BRONZE, Newport, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Siren’s Testimony

Zonal differences between 

You and I

X-tract all of my mercy.

Waiting, shimmering, tantalizing, towards a

Victim I feel hunger for, and nothing more.

Under the waves

Things are different.

Survival of the fittest, even if it means the worst.

Razor-sharp senses, serve my ravenous appetite.

Quietly, I surface, my scales glistening in the moonlight.

Poetic, passionate; my eyes lock onto my target.

Open-mouthed - he’s staring.

Next thing he knows, he’s


Lull him into my arms with my song.

Kill his thoughts, cloud his eyes.

Just as he enters my turf

I pull him close,

His eyes, his lungs, his writhing body beg me for life, but

Game lives to be killed.

Frantic spasms fade, as I watch his life slip away with

Each bubble that escapes his lips.

Down we go, into the depths of my home.

Carrying with me the result of a successful hunt.

Blood blooms red around the two of us as I satisfy my hunger.

A feast is about to begin.

The author's comments:

I am a creative writing student in high school, it is a reverse alpha poem.

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