Cold Winter Wonderland | Teen Ink

Cold Winter Wonderland

May 20, 2024
By MiSun BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
MiSun BRONZE, Dover, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Snow drifts aimlessly through the pale, grey sky,
Coating everything with a blanket of white.
A tree’s long slender branches
Covered in powder reach out like vengeful ghosts,
Lunging at anyone who dared disturb its rest
In this cold winter wonderland.

Breath fogs before my face,
Giving the illusion of breathing flame.
Crisp crunchy snow crackles beneath my feet,
The wind, a cold whisper in my ear.
All by myself on an isolated road,
With no one but the snow to keep me company,
Feeling as though I have finally found peace
In this cold winter wonderland.

Cold, harsh wind cuts deep gashes into my cheeks.
Like a million razor-sharp knives
As the cold fills my nostrils
The blinding brightness of the snow in my eyes,
Making me nauseous, unaware of what’s around me.
Walking over ice,
My steps slow and hesitant
Like waiting for everything to crash and explode
In this cold winter wonderland.

Finally crossing the threshold of my home,
taking off the heavy jacket and restraining gloves.
Clutching a steaming mug of hot chocolate,
Burning my mouth with every sip.
The fire blazing in the fireplace,
Hot enough to melt all the snow outside
Listening to the POP, POP, POP, as the wood turns to ash
Happy, alone, staring out the window
At this cold winter wonderland.

The author's comments:

Winter is my favorite season, I ski all winter long, observing the natural beauty of the season while on the slope. This poem uses figurative language to describe winter. 

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