Why are people so addicted to sweets | Teen Ink

Why are people so addicted to sweets

April 3, 2024
By Anonymous

My opinion why people are so addicted to sweets is because it's all very good and it tastes good .  People just love eating it everyday, including myself. It makes me happy and feel good , and it makes me have a good rest of my day but I do feel we need to learn when to stop eating it . Your brain also sees sugar as a reward, which makes you keep wanting more of it. And that's not good because sweetness is like a drug and I know y'all might believe me but sugar works like many addictive drugs. Many people call it heroin and there's people stuck on that waking up every morning doing it and all . I feel if we could get eating sugar under control that would be great . Like me speaking about it, I have a really hard time about not eating sugar. It's really hard for me to stop and I know it's good. I can call myself out on it now but I know I have to do some serious work on it .  I remember when I used to eat little Debbie snacks before I went to bed. I used to throw up every night and it got worse when i wouldnt eat them. So yes sugar can get you very addicted. Now we should start thinking about how we can all try not to eat sugar for 2 weeks, let's think about the pros , your skin could start looking very much better because eating sugar does cause bad acne , and it reduces risk of dental problems so you won't have any cavities , and the last two things that you can watch out for is Weight management people think just because its not big food they cant gain weight from it but they can All that sugar just adds up and up “You gain weight when you take in more calories than your body needs, and sugary foods and drinks contain a lot of calories”. And the last thing i would say is Improved mental clarity “Research has shown that sugar can exaggerate the fear of negative outcomes commonly associated with anxiety. Also, because eating sweets can cause fatigue, blurry vision and fuzzy thinking, viewing situations objectively and make confident choices can be more difficult when we consume a high sugar diet”

The author's comments:

 The reason I choose to talk about this topic is because I myself struggle with eating too much sugar on a daily basis . And maybe doing all of this writing and research could help me also . 

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