Confusion | Teen Ink


January 24, 2024
By RedJayBird1214 BRONZE, Irvington, New Jersey
RedJayBird1214 BRONZE, Irvington, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Your words linger in my brain

Can’t get them out my head

Was overthinking all night

Can’t seem to go to bed

My confusion on high

My focus on low

I thought I was over this oh so long ago

Drawn by nostalgia, Feels like the old days

Now once again, I’m weak from your lovely gaze

Innocent flirtation

Turns into confusion

Can’t tell if it’s illusions or if I’m simply deluded

Your words & actions contradict 

They don’t seem to match

Yet I’m still admiring your being 

I’m still so attached 

I gaze at your eyes while you lock on mine

Hoping we could stay at that place for the rest of the night

Then the next day comes around 

Said it was mistake, it shouldn’t had happened 

I relish the same the day you regret

I wish it was a day that I could forget 

I can’t but I wish I could hit reset 

I'm addicted to the memory like smokers are with cigarettes 

Remember the vibe, even remember our silhouettes

I wish it was something that I could just forget

The author's comments:

Hi. I'm Jason Exantus. This piece I wrote is about a one sided romantic interest and how the person feels led on. It talks about how much that one day with the love interest meant to them but to the other person, it was a moment that they regretted that day and how it shouldn't have happened. I wrote this because sometimes in our lives, we care about people and give a lot but we don't gain the same treatment for them. 

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