She's a Bittersweet Rose | Teen Ink

She's a Bittersweet Rose

December 18, 2023
By V1415 BRONZE, Fort Mill, South Carolina
V1415 BRONZE, Fort Mill, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her stem with thorns sharp as a needle,

but delicate like a feather,

Could deeply cut those that hurt her.

To protect her velvety sweetened petals.

To protect her gooey center.

When damaged from winter’s sting, her color 

fades as does her smile,

only when the sun comes up does she 

heal, and her petals become brighter.

Summer, winter, fall and spring. 

All the seasons move with the breeze.

Beautiful with her glossy green

leaves and rosey petals that

blossom within spring.

Glistening in sunlight.

but when fall and winter comes

Her petals crisp, her stem stooping, 

once filled with love now with misery.

Up and down she goes from  elegant to coarse.

From filled with  light to darkness. It's all bittersweet,

A never ending cycle of beauty and beast.

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