Invisible | Teen Ink


February 10, 2023
By PoetRider PLATINUM, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
PoetRider PLATINUM, Nazareth, Pennsylvania
20 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"They whispered to her,
'You Cant Withstand The Storm.'

She whispered back,
'I Am The Storm.'"

Hello Hello? Hello!

Why don't they see me?

Why don't they hear me? 

A ghost gliding through the hallways 

Never seen Never heard 

Only ignored, discarded, forgotten

Like an old toy under a bed

I call, I shout, I scream


Why, why, why

Why am I forgotten 

Fading into nothingness 

Scream till my throat sore


Never seen, Never heard

Never seen, Never heard

Never seen, Never heard

Rejected, denied, neglected 

Never to be seen, Never to be heard 

Why do they not see me

Why am I ignored 

I ask I ask I ask


Never anything 

Just Nothing

The author's comments:

at school, none sees or hears me and it gets very frustrating so I wrote this poem to see if everyone else feels this way.

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