To Hate | Teen Ink

To Hate

July 21, 2022
By bjiang2005 BRONZE, Newmarket, Ontario
bjiang2005 BRONZE, Newmarket, Ontario
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One dead high above the bathroom stall
Two fights while the children run and crawl
Three cries for the first who’s buried deep
But the fourth hides in the bed where no one weeps

One lost everything that he holds dear
Two eyes burning bright like chandeliers
Three feel sorry but the first don’t care
Cause the fourth is dying for the sin he bears

One got no tears left to cry today
Two hands dried in blood of those he hates
Three holes dug beside the one he loved

One feels empty but it’s almost done
Two shots fired through the morning sun

One left standing and the rest goes down

Now what?

The author's comments:

A poem about the loss of a dear family. But this time instead of moving past the challenges and living life to its fullest, the poem question if revenge is ever the right choice. The poem follows an AABB format with four lines in each stanza. However, each stanza losses a line as the character wanting revenge becomes closer to his goal. In the end, the character achieved his revenge, but now he questions if it was worth it at all.

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