The Move | Teen Ink

The Move

October 23, 2019
By Anonymous

It was early in the morning about seven thirty, the sun had just risen, and I was in my empty messy room listening to the morning traffic go by as my mom casually strolled into the room telling me some bad news. My mom commanded , “I need to pack all my stuff “,because we were moving. She then proceeded to help me pack. Once it hit around ten in the afternoon we all loaded up in the orange U-Haul moving truck. I gave Danielle a hug thinking,  “I would see her again.” Boy was I so wrong.

Then we started our drive up to New Jersey, at first I was mortally terrified. As we pulled out I watched my best friend Danielle violently shake. tears flowed down her face, but I didn’t know why. I thought, ‘We are just changing’ houses. I wondered how far from her would I be like on the other side of town. Little did I know I was moving to far away. The trip was long and boring like sitting in your final class watching the clock the day before summer vacation. I looked out the window of the moving truck and counted the cars while trying to remember who made them, trying to remember the engine type. Whether the car engine was modified or not only because I was obsessed with cars. I watched the signs go by of welcome and goodbye of each town. I saw different people walking down the road like the poor and the rich and the  homeless people in fancy clothes as we passed by and the different 

types of buildings like the small gas station with the racing cars on top and the massive business buildings with giant logos on the side . 

I played tic tac toe with my mom as we drove. We also played EyeSpy in the car with my sister and playing checkers while watching the buildings fly by. I recall losing connect four to my sister, while drinking my fruit punch juice box and eating my crackers. I commemorate singing songs like “Piano man” by Billy joel while cruising down the road with the windows down.

When we finally arrived  to my Aunt’s little white house, we pulled into the driveway and  started to unload the U-haul Truck.As I grabbed the multicolored necklace with a best friend charm that Danielle made me. Which proceeded to make me feel horrible and shed a tear or two because of the promise I made her saying I would always be there when she needed me. At that moment I realized I would never be able to see her again and that all my friends I had were  gone now. I was starting fresh with no one but my mom, my dad, and my little sister. 

The next few days were difficult for me because school started and I was the new kid. I made some friends, and everything was going well. After that year, my mom walked in to my room and looked at me and said round two we have to move again because my uncle and aunt lost their house. We drove for two hours and pulled into my other Aunt and Uncle’s house. 

Finally I started all over again but this time in Defiance, Ohio, not New Jersey and ever since that day, I have been in Defiance, Ohio. One day My mom asked me as I entered into the empty living room, “Do you want to move to Florida after highschool?” 

I proceeded to immediately say, “No!”

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